
Showing posts from June, 2023

How To Use Sandalwood Toner 100ml

How To Use Sandalwood Toner How To Use Sandalwood Toner for your Skin, follow these steps: Cleanse your face: Start by washing your face with a  gentle cleanser  to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup. Pat your  skin dry  with a clean towel. Shake the toner: Give the bottle of sandalwood toner a gentle shake to ensure that the product is well-mixed. Apply the toner: Pour a small amount of sandalwood toner onto a cotton pad or ball. You can also use a reusable cloth or your clean hands. Make sure to soak the pad or cloth but avoid saturating it. Gently wipe over your face: Starting from the center of your face, swipe the cotton pad or cloth outward in gentle, upward motions. Pay attention to areas that tend to be oilier or more congested, such as the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin). Avoid the delicate eye area. Allow it to absorb: Let the toner sit on your skin for a few minutes to allow it to absorb. During this time, the toner can help balance the pH of your skin and prepare it for the

Splash Of Hydration Toner 200ml

Splash Of Hydration Toner Sandalwood hydrosol water Splash Of Hydration Toner, also known as sandalwood floral water or sandalwood distillate, is a product obtained during the steam  distillation of sandalwood  (Santalum album) essential oil. It is a by-product of the essential oil extraction process and contains trace amounts of the aromatic compounds found in sandalwood. Hydrosols, including sandalwood hydrosol water, are milder and less concentrated than essential oils, making them suitable for a variety of uses. Sandalwood hydrosol water is valued for its  soothing and hydrating  properties and has a gentle, woody fragrance reminiscent of sandalwood. Here are a few common uses and benefits of sandalwood hydrosol water: Skincare: Sandalwood hydrosol water is often used in skincare as a facial toner or refreshing mist. It can help soothe and hydrate the skin, reduce redness and irritation, and provide a subtle fragrance. Aromatherapy: The woody aroma of sandalwood hydrosol water is c

Mulethi Powder Face Pack 100g

Mulethi Powder Face Pack Mulethi Powder Face Pack, also known as licorice root, is a popular ingredient in traditional  Ayurvedic  medicine and skincare. It has various properties that can benefit the skin, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and skin-lightening effects. Creating a  face pack with mulethi powder  can help improve the overall appearance and health of your skin. Here’s a simple recipe to make a mulethi powder face pack: Ingredients: 2 tablespoons mulethi powder 1 tablespoon raw honey 1 tablespoon rose water Instructions: In a clean bowl, mix the mulethi powder, raw honey, and rose water together. Adjust the quantities as needed to achieve a smooth, paste-like consistency. Ensure your face is clean and free of any makeup or dirt. Apply the face pack evenly to your face and neck, avoiding the sensitive eye area. Leave the pack on for about 15-20 minutes to allow the ingredients to work their magic. Rinse off the face pack with lukewarm water, gently massaging in circul

Mulethi Powder For Skin Whitening 100g

How To Use Mulethi Powder For Skin Whitening Mulethi Powder For Skin Whitening is often used for its  skin-lightening  properties and can be incorporated into your  skincare routine  to help brighten the complexion. Here’s a simple method for using mulethi powder for skin whitening: This mulethi powder face pack regularly can provide various benefits for your skin. Mulethi helps in reducing hyperpigmentation, lightening blemishes and dark spots, and providing a natural glow to the skin. Honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin, while rose water helps soothe and tone the skin. However, it’s important to note that everyone’s skin is unique, so it’s a good idea to do a patch test before applying the face pack all over your face to check for any potential allergic reactions or sensitivities. If you have any existing skin conditions or concerns, it’s also advisable to consult a dermatologist before trying any new skincare products or treatments. Mulethi powder may help in brightening the sk